Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Years + 10

Happy 2011! I thought that since I did not get to blog about our wonderful New Year's celebration in a timely fashion that I would wait and report about it on a cool day - 1-11-11....almost like New Year's Day!

Jackson Hole proved to be a fun place to ring in the New Year. Unfortunately, the days following New Year's caught me down with a terrible cold or mini-flu, so no blogging was accomplished. Then we found ourselves out and about again enjoying the winter activities - so blogging has  been on the back burner.

Back to New Years...first you need to understand that there are two distinct areas here in Jackson Hole. There is "Teton Village," which is where the Jackson Hole Mountain Resort is located (ski area). It is a great little area with world class hotels, fabulous restaurants, shopping, beautiful homes and most importantly skiing! We live about 15 miles from the Village - an easy and absolutely beautiful drive. Then there is "Town," Jackson Hole's downtown area (don't even think city). This is where the Town Square is located, which is surrounded by wonderful shops, art galleries, restaurants and many local motels. In "Town" we also have another small ski area called Snow King Resort. We live about 5 miles south of "Town." It is about a 20 minute drive between the Village and Town, so most people staying at the Village for the ski resort, frequent our Town Square.

Jackson Hole, WY

 We started our New Year's celebration out at the Village. The weather was about 10 below zero when we arrived to watch the Torchlight Parade and fireworks. We tried out the seats around the large fire pit outside, but due to the extremely cold temperatures we opted for a cozy place in the Four Seasons Resort at the bar to wait until dark! This is rated as one of the top resorts in the World, and the finest in the Four Seasons chain of hotels - worth at least a drink in the bar or dinner when you visit. We met some very interesting people, who no doubt did not make it all the way until New Years, but they made for fun "pre-parade" conversation. The Village was really bustling with tourists and those who "winter" here in Jackson Hole (if you "winter" or "summer" here, you most likely have a beautiful, multi-million dollar second, or third, home located here). It was amazing to us the difference in the feel of the area once it filled with tourists - probably the first time that I did not feel like I was the one on vacation! The torchlight parade is open for anyone to participate in - it will have to be much warmer before you find me in the parade! Once it was nightfall, the skiers start at the top of the North side of the mountain and ski down carrying torches - it was awesome to watch them descending the mountain and as they got closer to the base all of the New Year's revelers started cheering and clapping - what a thrill it was....I almost forgot that I was freezing to death. But nobody could have been as chilly as the participant who skied down the mountain naked (well he did have his torches) - YIKES! The Parade was followed by a beautiful fireworks display over the Village.

 We really enjoyed the festivities and excitement of being at the Village to start our evening. The only down side was that we were REALLY COLD (did I mention that already?)! When we ran back to our car, it was 15 below zero. I will remember to wear long underwear next year! We had planned to head into town to catch an early movie, but we needed to make one stop on our way to pick up some "warming agents" to enjoy at the movie with our popcorn & diet coke!
The Village Liquor Store :)
On our way from the Village into Town we were able to see the Torchlight Parade that they had at Snow King Resort - what a great celebration....two parades in one night! We saw "The Tourist," which turned out to be better than we expected. Their lives in the movie were a bit more action-packed than our "tourist" experiences in JH! We then went and enjoyed a delicious dinner at Burke's Chop House in Town. We came home to ring in the New Year (can't be out too late when you have to get up and ski the next day) watching the tape-delay of Dick Clarke from NYC - I love that guy from my days of watching American Bandstand! We were still so cold when we came home (partially due to the heat going out in the restaurant for a part of the evening), that we rang in the New Year in our coats and hats (consider them the JH version of a party hat)!

Yummy, cheesecake with Amaretto & champagne!
Happy 2011!
 We woke up bright and early on New Year's Day so that we could enjoy a day of skiing before returning home to watch some football. On or way out to the Village we were greeted by this jolly fellow along Village Road:
This snowman was erected by Yellow Iron Excavating to convey holiday wishes.
The snowman is about 20 feet tall, and a 55-gallon trash can serves as its hat!
So the New Year has officially begun with a bang. We continue to feel like we are on vacation and can't wait to have some visitors to our winter wonderland to enjoy all that Jackson Hole has to offer!

Best Wishes for a very Happy, Healthy and Beautiful 2011!

PS - Our holiday cards just got sent out yesterday - consider them a Martin Luther King card if you wish!!

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