Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Light Switch

We have drilled many locals about the "interesting weather" patterns of late. They all seem to have the same answer: in Jackson Hole summer arrives as if a light switch were turned on. One day it is winter (oh yeah, they do admit that spring doesn't really exist in these parts) and the next day, "poof" it is a glorious Jackson Hole Summer!

Houston we have a problem.....we had a record breaking winter season with 687 inches of snowfall being recorded at Rendezvous Bowl at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort. Combined with a cool spring, this has left a snowpack in the mountains of 157" (oh yeah, it is JUNE)! The snow depths are deeper than anything seen in the region in the last 45 years, measuring 311% above normal!

As the doors to the Resort's Aerial Tram slid open on Memorial Day Weekend, a throng of skiers and snowboarders spilled out. This provided for some unintentional comedy - the summer tourists, many in shorts, shivering in the 20 degree temperatures at the top of the tram for some scenic summer pictures,  watched the skiers head off for some backcountry turns! The calendar read May, but the slopes said December. And that made many locals very happy - free lift access (the Tram if free for locals through June 16)!

Needless to say, whoever is in charge of flipping the switch is obviously having a difficult time finding it underneath all of the snow. Yes, they have managed to get a finger on it a few times, we have experienced some beautiful summer-like days over the past few weeks - temperatures soaring into the high 70's and blue-bird skies. Unfortunately haven't had more than three consecutive days of summer yet, but the glimpses we have seen have been AWESOME and we can't wait for summer to be here for good! We have taken full advantage of the beautiful days, and have found ways to enjoy the not so beautiful too - here are some of our latest adventures....

Memorial Day Weekend Celebrations:

Rotary Club 23rd Annual Winefest - THE place to be and be seen! Over 400 wines from around the world! Absolutely fabulous event - lots of wine, friends, good food, wine (oops I said that already) and a great Auction. Barry "won" a round of golf for the family and I won (raffle - so my luck does continues) a case of wine...yippee!

Old West Days Festival Parade
A true old-fashioned Town Parade!

Check out the Memorial Day Weekend clothes the parade-goers are wearing (no shorts or sandals here)!

Wild West Brew Fest - the best way to cure the Winefest hangover! Great regional beers, and many of the same friends from the Winefest.

Wild West Chili Cook-Off
Can you guess the secret ingredients of this chili?

Crawfish Boil - an annual party at our neighbors - they are true southerners, Virgina and Alabama natives. Beautiful weather and delicious food - crawfish and jambalaya!

Keeping busy in and around Jackson Hole with Ashley as we wait for summer to arrive for good!
Ashley & Bella Hiking on Game Creek

Bella "cooling off" in the freezing cold water!

Mud season has ended for the most part - just waiting on some leaves on the trees!

Bella and Ashley enjoying the snow on Cache Creek hike!

Hiking Putt-Putt Trail

A not-so-fortunate hiker on the trail

Hiking to the top of High School Butte - Bella thanks Ashley for the adventure!
We made it down just before the storm moved into town.

A beautiful rainbow in our backyard on a rainy Memorial Day

On our way to the top of Snow King Mountain (a.k.a. the Jackson Hole stairmaster)!

The Grand on a glorious, almost summer day!
As you can see we are having plenty of fun and keeping busy as we patiently await summer. We are also anxious to get Derek home from his whirlwind trip through Europe over the past 4 weeks.

Hope that you are having a restful and fun summer. We are looking forward to welcoming many friends and family to "The Hole" over the next few months. It is not too late to book a trip - we'd love to see you out here. I promise we will have had the "Switch" to summer by the time we welcome you!

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