Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Jackson Hole Winterfest 2011

It's a winter wonderland outside, which is appropriate since this past weekend was Jackson Hole's Inaugural Winterfest.  As the snow swirls and spirals to the ground, it's almost like living inside a snow globe! After almost 8 days of bluebird skies and warm temperatures, the stuff that people came here for returned - "dumps" of snow; just in time for all of the weekend's festivities! We attempted to attend as many of the festival features as possible, but definitely are looking forward to next year's WinterFest, as we did not get to nearly enough of the 25+ events that were a part of the Inaugural festivities.

I kicked off WinterFest by attending the Alonzo King's Lines Ballet (San Francisco) open rehearsal. What phenomenal athletes and artistic performers - perfectly balanced - beautiful! What was amazing was to watch their rehearsal and then see how our altitude affects even those in the best shape - they were winded, to say the least! We did not take the opportunity to go to the performances on Friday and Saturday, due to all of the other Winterfest events.

Thursday evening we attended the WinterFest Art Gallery Walk - meandering through the art Galleries dowtown, many of which offered food & wine. We ended the night at a fun local's event - All You Can Eat Pizza at Betty Rock Cafe. Great atmosphere, awesome pizza & BYOB (only in JH)!!

The weekend brought the much anticipated 40th Annual Shriner's All American Cutter Races, which are held right here in Melody Ranch! Cutter races are a western version of horse-drawn chariot races. Cowboys thunder past the cheering crowd in cutters, pulled by a team of thoroughbreds. Teams are run two abreast for a 1/4 mile down the snowy track to the finish line. The Jackson Hole Shriner's Club auctions off Calcutta wagers in between, adding to the excitement of each race. Even more exciting is the "off-track" betting that takes place on the sidelines between each race. Everyone attends the races carrying wads of one-dollar bills and you wager with all of those around you on each race - choose red or green to win - even the kids are betting!
The Cutter Races @ Melody Ranch

There was also a Pony Class of Cutter Races

Half-time entertainment!
This event proved to be Wyoming in a nutshell - you really need to experience it to understand it! People travel from all over the region and descend upon JH for the weekend's two days of racing. They pull flatbeds, trailers, campers, and many other varieties of equipment including propane fueled deep fryers, heaters, blenders and more to "do their tailgating up right." Everyone brings along their kids, dogs and old folks (just set them under a tent near a propane heater with a beer) for the day. Now that we know what is entailed in this event we will be much better prepared next year - hope you will join us!
Tailgating in style at the Cutter Races~

Keeping the wine chilled is easy at the Cutter Races!
A VERY happy Snowman!
Our "spread" this year - Buffalo Salami and Smoked Gouda,
a backpack of beer & an insulated coffee mug of wine!
We PROMISE to do better next year, now that we know!
Me & Kay enjoying the Cutter's (on the phone to Ashley!)


Cutter Races were front-page news here and Barry & I just made the pic!
We are on the far left - I have on my blue hat and Barry has on grey hat!
That is our friend Paul with the little girl on his shoulders.
Almost famous!
More fun to come in the next blog!

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