Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow Palooza!

Currently the weather in Jackson Hole is 8 degrees with clear, sunny skies and endless views of the mountains! We are praying for snow, but don't have any in the forecast until next week - bummer. We have gotten over 27 feet of snow so far this winter and we want more! The weather is supposed to warm up in the next few days for another "warm" glorious weekend of groomer skiing - our favorite type! Barry & I are just fine without all of the "pow" (that is Jackson Hole lingo for powder - new fresh snow; a big "dump" of snow is referred to as "cow pow")! Here are some pictures of this last weekend, the weather was in the high 20's and low 30's - felt like spring skiing. The Resort even broke out the BBQ Grills and we enjoyed lunch outside at the top of the mountain! Completely amazing, especially considering it is January.

Perfect Ski Day! Gotta love that we have this in our backyard:)

Lunch Al Fresco at the Gondola
 Endless views - Mountain top to the Valley

The true irony is that all of our family and friends throughout the Midwest, and as far south as Dallas/Fort Worth, are in the middle of the worst winter storms in recent history. Current conditions in Kansas City - 16 degrees and snow; Dallas/Fort Worth - 19 degrees and snow and Chicago - 24 degrees and snow with a blizzard warning. You all should be out here in Jackson Hole having fun in the sun! But, there is "snow" excuse not to have fun with your winter storms!

An Associated Press article that ran in our weekly paper has some great ideas for all of my friends and family who are experiencing the latest blizzard-like conditions across the country. So, while you lounge at home - as schools, work and life is on hold - here are some ideas to keep you busy:

"Frightful Weather or Fun-Filled Day?" New York (AP) -

Another day, another blizzard. Here are some was to spend a snow day:
  •  Make an abominable snowman. It's like a regular snowman, but less friendly to passers-by.
  • Practice multiplication and script with your kids. That'll put them in a REALLY good mood.
  • Make snow ice cream, slushies, or snowtinis. Harvest icicles for the latter.
  • Put on your fanciest evening dress and jewelry, grab your cocktail and pretend you are in an old movie. That sounds a lot better than, "Sit around your apartment [house] and get wasted."
  • Fill squirt bottles with water and food coloring and make art on the snow. Let your dog help out.
  • Wash the floors by hand. Or with a toothbrush.
  • Do that mending and ironing that you've been putting off since 2004.
  • Groom the dog. Then suck all the fur off your couch.
  • Make freeze-ahead dinners. The ones you wish you had right now.
  • Go rooftop luging.
  • Shovel through piles of climate change theories.
  • Shred your pile of old documents. Better yet, multi-task. Use them to light up the fireplace.
  • Find all the lids to the Tupperware.
  • Play Monopoly with the rules that make the game go slower.
  • Go through your junk drawer. Do not be afraid.
  • Make a master calendar for gift-giving dates. Shop ahead online. Or for yourself. Pretend there are sales.
  • Make a list of all the things you love about your valentine for a card or scrapbook. Make stuff up if you have to.
  • Scan old photos and make a photo book. Then force your kids to look at pictures of their parents when they were little.
  • Chug a shot and break open your financial portfolio.
  • Order seeds and plants for your spring garden. Yes, spring will come eventually.
  • Upload your CD's, finally. Now this may be difficult:  Toss the CD's and the CD player.
  • Take out all the beach chairs, umbrellas, and boogie boards and make a beach day in the snow.
  • Google yourself.
  • Write a letter [to Michele]. You know the kind, with pen and paper.
  • Make snowflakes out of paper. Tape them to your windows to block out the white piles outside.
  • Teach Haiku - five, seven, five - and make a book of illustrated snow Haiku.
  • Create airfare alerts for deals to your dream destinations.
  • You know that neighbor that won't stop blasting music? That's where your shoveled snow goes.
  • Play family-friendly spin the bottle with your chore list. Hope it doesn't point to you when its time to clean toilets.
  • Experiment all day on devising the ultimate chocolate chip cookie.Tasting mandatory.
  • Sleep. If that doesn't work, make more snowtinis.
  • Send hate mail to your friends and relatives in warm weather places. Or block them on Facebook.
So there you have it - plenty of ideas to keep you busy and happy over the next few days! If you can figure out a way, send some snow our way.  I guess the difference lies in where you live and what you can do with your snow....and most importantly  how the city (town in our case) is able to handle the snow. SO, hopefully you all will keep warm, stay safe, and enjoy some quality time inside with your families and friends! In the meantime I am heading out to enjoy the dog park with Bella!

Happy Snow Days!

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