Tuesday, April 26, 2011


SPRINTER....No, it is not a blog entry about a fast runner. It is a blog to let you know that I have officially renamed the season "SPRING" as "SPRINTER!" (get it, spring and winter - ha!)

Sorry to report that this blog will be short and not contain any new pictures. Honestly, I think that you have seen enough snow covered pictures. And surely I have endured enough snow covered JH!

We have had a fresh blanket of snow each morning since Easter and are forecast to get more throughout the week. The good news is that the sun has peeked out each day to melt the snow and give a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, it will one day stay out!

Okay, as you can tell I am ready for some relief from the winter! Everyone is claiming that this is "worse than usual." The local wildlife authorities have even extended the closures of many hiking trails which were to open May 1, due to the continued winter weather conditions and its effect on the wintering wildlife.


As much as I can't imagine that Derek is old enough (or more surprising that I am old enough to have a son that age) to graduate from college - I am thrilled that I have the opportunity to spend 10 days in warm/sunny Dallas/Fort Worth (with a side trip to KC)! Ashley is finishing her freshman year at TCU and we will get her packed up for the summer, head to KC for a quick visit, and then back to SMU for the big Graduation!

Okay, if you read this far you do at least deserve a picture or two. Can't lie, it is still beautiful out here, even if it is a ridiculously LONG WINTER! Here are some pictures from our Sunrise Easter Service, captured from the top of High School Butte at sunrise (and a balmy 16 degrees).
The cross was carried up the mountain as we ascended the butte that morning before sunrise.
Truly an amazing sight to watch

Easter Morning sunrise over "Sleeping Indian"

The Alpenglow on the Tetons added to the magnificent scenery as we witnessed the Easter Sunrise!
All of God's glorious creations~

Happy Easter!

OOPS!...Not sure how this got in here - must be my "Happy Place!"
PS - this is not JH!!!!!
Jackson Hole (Wyoming) Interesting Fact:
Among all 50 U.S. states Wyoming ranks: 9th in size, 50th in population - only 5 people per square mile! (Obviously there aren't many people who want to endure this winter weather!)

Signing off from the land of snow, cold temperatures, brown grass and bare trees!
Have a warm, bright and wonderful Spring week :)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Changing Seasons

And Then It Was Mud Season...

With the ski resorts closing up shop for the winter, we enter Mud Season – a love-hate time of year for Jackson locals. I have been a bit nervous just listening to the name of the season - never been a real fan of mud (although it was a good excuse to invest in a cute pair of Hunter Boots)! Many local folks have headed out of town for the next few weeks or months. A good number of the in-town restaurants and shops have closed. Those of us "left behind" to endure the mud season do get to enjoy the two for one specials that are offered at many of the remaining open restaurants/bars. I will happily consider it "No Cooking Season!"

Looking Ahead....

Soon we get to welcome some long awaited sun and warm weather (okay and snow, rain and sleet - I'll be honest). We won't be able to fully enjoy the warmer temps until the 6-foot snow banks begin to melt. But if you get creative, there are reportedly many activities to be enjoyed during this in-between time of year, so we aren't planning on sitting around like "sticks in the mud!"

We have purchased Snow shoes and continue climbing the Ski Resort Mountain - only on foot/snow shoe, instead of on lifts! The great thing is that we can bring Bella with us - she loves it! Here are some pics from our first time out - does it look like the snow is almost melted to you...where is Spring?

Lifts are closed, but that doesn't stop us!
Look at this beautiful Spring Day!

We made it to our destination - Casper Restaurant (approx. 1,046 vertical feet). As we arrived a huge spring storm, with winds and blowing snow, moved in. Sure wish the restaurant would have been open so we could duck in and grab some hot chocolate and wait out the storm!

For our Kansas City KU Jayhawk fans - they live well out here in JH (yes, this is just their vacation home I believe)!!!
One advantage that I can already attest to is that Mud Season equals Big Birds! Although Mud Season, with blustery, intermittently blue sky and freezing rain, chases some folks away to warm dry areas, the big birds come back! I have already spotted Bald Eagles, Red Tail Hawks, Canadian Geese, Trumpeter Swans and huge Owls in our neighborhood. And the "bird banter" that we wake up to each morning is a welcome sign that Spring is here (minus the flowers and warm weather)! I will be on the lookout for many more returning birds to join the beautiful Magpies that we have enjoyed all winter.

Magpie (my favorite JH Bird)

These guys hang out just out our back door - much easier for me to take than the Moose who used to hang out there!
These beautiful Trumpeter Swans live in a pond adjacent to Melody Ranch. The photographer who shot this picture is a friend of mine who cooks with me at church on Wednesday nights - great cook too!
Spring IS in the air...here are some clues:

1. The Master's was on TV
Wow, for some reason everything looked greener to us at the Master's this year...

I guess because this is was our view when we looked out the window at commercial breaks!

Bella LOVES sports (maybe it is because they all have some type of ball). She would bring her bed downstairs and cuddle up in front of the TV and just stare at it! Fetching Tiger Woods drive would be good exercise for her!!!
2. There is always some type of precipitation falling here. It can be rain, snow, sleet, "SNAIN" (which I found out is a combo snow/rain), and "Thunder Snow" - yes, our thunderstorms come in the form of snow instead of rain.
If there is not some type of "Precipitation Event," happening (ie. the sun is shining) then you have to beware of the ice/snow melting from the rooftops and dripping, or worse yet falling in large shards, on you.
Yes, life out here continues to be an adventure!
3. Flowers are blooming!!!!
I spotted these at a storefront in town this week...the only flowers I have seen!

Flowers are blooming in all sorts of colors!
Barry & I have found that Mud Season can be a bit of a challenge at times. The weather is constantly changing, therefore our plans are constantly changing. And that can cause our mood to be constantly changing too. So we have found a temporary solution...
The good news is that we have not had to mow our grass, turn on the A/C (oh, that's right, we don't have one out here), trim the bushes or plant the spring flowers yet.
The bad news - we just ran out of Mud Pie Ice Cream!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Spring Break in JH

Yesterday (April 6) when I was out walking Bella I was excited to see that about 40-50% of the snow had melted in the yards in our neighborhood. I was tempted to come home and snap a few pictures, but then thought better of it - who would really be interested in reading a blog about brown grass? But I'll tell you, when you haven't seen the grass since October, it is a sight to behold, regardless of the color!

Last night I was out to dinner with a group of friends and we were laughing as we watched the snow gently falling outside. Then when we left the restaurant, the sidewalks were snow covered. Surely I had drank too much wine I quipped!

When I awoke this morning (April 7), this is what greeted me as I opened the shades:
REALLY???? Surely I must be dreaming!

It's a Spring Wonderland!

Snow covered once again!
The school kids have been on Spring Break the past two weeks here. The few who have stuck around town (most are off to Hawaii and the likes)  have enjoyed everything from sunny 50 degree days to rainstorms and now more snow. The kids who were pedaling their bikes around the neighborhood yesterday were out in force today building snowmen!
Spring Snow allows for larger than life snowmen!
Needless to say, we are not going to let a little (it is about 8" of new snow now, and it is still pouring snow outside) dampen our enjoyment of Spring in Jackson Hole. My neighbor Sally and I decided to do a little playing in the snow ourselves. We figured that you have to have the right attitude to be able to handle a massive snow on April 7. It is all about perspective!
You are never too old to play in the snow!

Snow-women enjoying the "beach" in Jackson Hole!
My pedicure from yesterday will never see the light of day at this rate and the only way I am not going to be glow in the dark white when I go to Dallas next month is with a spray tan! But, the bright side is we should have great snow shoeing this weekend! The fun (and snow) never ends in Jackson Hole!

Please enjoy the spring temperatures and flowers for me!

Jackson Hole Interesting News:
This is the weather forecast for today (4/7) -

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Costumes, Music and Mirthful Mayhem for All!

Best Snow in Years! It's been a season for the record books with 557 inches of snow (over 46 feet)!  This was the second-highest total in the last 13 years. We enjoyed top to bottom, wall to wall deep powder skiing at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort throughout the 2010-2011 ski season.

Closing weekend
Closing day at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort began in much the same fashion as opening day four months ago - with fresh snow.

Four months ago, the winter season of 2010-11 was merely a mirage in the desert. Visions of “La Nina’s” power turned out to be real. Abundant snowfall in November lead to the first wall to wall opening day, with all lifts and all runs open for the first time in history, signaling a positive omen. Closing weekend at Jackson Hole this past weekend, saw the mountain still open from top to bottom; covered in fresh powder. Remarkably, more snowfall is in the forecast!  We gathered to celebrate an amazing first year in Jackson Hole, with skiers & riders of the amazing type donning costumes as they rode their favorite runs! We carved one last defining turn into a chapter of our new lives as Jacksonites. To say we enjoyed it would be an understatement - it was legendary!
Celebrating the final day of the season!
Now it is time for this guy to head out to the ball park!

Everyone looked "dapper" on the last day!

All kinds of creatures showed up on the last day of skiing!

This group of skiers was anything but Chickens -
they flew the coop and soared past us!

A slice and a beer to end the day - nice!

Our final day of the season - turned into a bit of a blizzard!
We headed downhill to Nick Wilson's to celebrate a great season!
Four months of skiing and happy to report we are both "Injury Free" with plenty of fabulous ski days under our belts - Life Continues to be good in JH!

Interesting Fact about Jackson Hole:
The Wyoming Cost of Living Index for the fourth quarter of 2010 ranked Teton County as the most expensive community in the state with an index ranking of 132. (Thus the reason we are renters!!)

Friday, April 1, 2011

No Fooling - The New Bank Building is Opening!

Yesterday was a long-awaited day for Rocky Mountain Bank (and Barry Nelson)! They had the official ribbon cutting ceremony at the new Flagship Branch, located in Downtown Jackson Hole. The Mayor and other dignitaries, Bank Board members, customers, employees and their families were all on hand for the much anticipated event.

After a few brief words from the Bank President and the Mayor, the ribbon was cut and all were welcomed into the beautiful new building for tours and refreshments. I must say that it was worth the wait - it is absolutely breath-taking. Like no bank you have ever been in before, I promise.

It will surely be a long and busy weekend for Barry, getting everything up and running for the open of business on Monday. It will all be worth it though, as I know that he is looking forward to working just 5 minutes from home in a beautiful new building. And little does he know that I will be visiting regularly to enjoy coffee in front of the fireplace (with my friend Paula from KC, who has been hired as the official greeter), or just to stretch out and read the paper in one of the dens. I am a customer after all, they wouldn't think of kicking me out...I hope!

Here is a picture re-cap of my tour: 

Terry Early, Bank CEO & President, addressing the crowd.
Hey Pardner, watch your words, we have real Cowboy security guards!
(Actually they are the "Howdy Pardners Ambassadors" from the Chamber of Commerce)

Jackson Hole Mayor Mark Barron welcoming Rocky Mountain Bank to town.

The Official Ribbon Cutting

The sun was shining and it was a beautiful afternoon for those attending the event.
Welcome to the new Rocky Mountain Bank!

One of the "Dens" (meeting rooms) - they even have chocolate!

Another Den - this is where I will be hanging out, after I finish my coffee in front of the fire.
Hey, there is a phone - I can call my friends and family from this comfy den too!

The amazing, hand-forged fireplace - stunning! There is magnificent metal work throughout the building.

Interior view looking down from just outside Barry's 2nd floor office.
He will be able to see me enjoying my coffee!

Another view looking into bank lobby from above.

I am not sure if it is the fireplace that I am so enthralled with or the guys in cowboy hats - both appear in lots of my pictures.
I'll leave it up to you to decide!

Hey, that's my seat sir!

Second Floor conference room - nice! Hey, I could hang out here and watch American Idol!

Some of the Happy crew who will be enjoying the new digs!

To read more about the building, check out the article that appeared in our Weekly paper on Wednesday:

It sure is nice to know that our money has a nicer home than we do - ha!! Maybe when you come to visit you will want to give your money a nice new home too...new accounts welcome!!

Happy Weekend - TGIF!