Friday, April 1, 2011

No Fooling - The New Bank Building is Opening!

Yesterday was a long-awaited day for Rocky Mountain Bank (and Barry Nelson)! They had the official ribbon cutting ceremony at the new Flagship Branch, located in Downtown Jackson Hole. The Mayor and other dignitaries, Bank Board members, customers, employees and their families were all on hand for the much anticipated event.

After a few brief words from the Bank President and the Mayor, the ribbon was cut and all were welcomed into the beautiful new building for tours and refreshments. I must say that it was worth the wait - it is absolutely breath-taking. Like no bank you have ever been in before, I promise.

It will surely be a long and busy weekend for Barry, getting everything up and running for the open of business on Monday. It will all be worth it though, as I know that he is looking forward to working just 5 minutes from home in a beautiful new building. And little does he know that I will be visiting regularly to enjoy coffee in front of the fireplace (with my friend Paula from KC, who has been hired as the official greeter), or just to stretch out and read the paper in one of the dens. I am a customer after all, they wouldn't think of kicking me out...I hope!

Here is a picture re-cap of my tour: 

Terry Early, Bank CEO & President, addressing the crowd.
Hey Pardner, watch your words, we have real Cowboy security guards!
(Actually they are the "Howdy Pardners Ambassadors" from the Chamber of Commerce)

Jackson Hole Mayor Mark Barron welcoming Rocky Mountain Bank to town.

The Official Ribbon Cutting

The sun was shining and it was a beautiful afternoon for those attending the event.
Welcome to the new Rocky Mountain Bank!

One of the "Dens" (meeting rooms) - they even have chocolate!

Another Den - this is where I will be hanging out, after I finish my coffee in front of the fire.
Hey, there is a phone - I can call my friends and family from this comfy den too!

The amazing, hand-forged fireplace - stunning! There is magnificent metal work throughout the building.

Interior view looking down from just outside Barry's 2nd floor office.
He will be able to see me enjoying my coffee!

Another view looking into bank lobby from above.

I am not sure if it is the fireplace that I am so enthralled with or the guys in cowboy hats - both appear in lots of my pictures.
I'll leave it up to you to decide!

Hey, that's my seat sir!

Second Floor conference room - nice! Hey, I could hang out here and watch American Idol!

Some of the Happy crew who will be enjoying the new digs!

To read more about the building, check out the article that appeared in our Weekly paper on Wednesday:

It sure is nice to know that our money has a nicer home than we do - ha!! Maybe when you come to visit you will want to give your money a nice new home accounts welcome!!

Happy Weekend - TGIF!

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