Friday, December 10, 2010

Mountain Athlete??

Another glorious day in Jackson Hole - some sun, reasonable temperatures, a fresh bit of snow and Derek is home!

As you know we completed our ski fitness last week, which proved to be beneficial on our first trip out to the mountain to ski last weekend. In an effort to keep myself in "mid season ski shape" (which it is questionable whether or not I really achieved that in 6 weeks), I took my ski fitness instructor's advice and attended her class that she teaches at another location. According to Crystal (the world class skier) this class wold be the "next level," but she felt that I was ready for it. WOW - what a boost to my ego...of course I would give it a try (and the first class was on her). My first indication that I may be in over my head was when I pulled up to the facility - it is called Mountain Athlete, and even the logo looks intimidating:
The first day of training was grueling, to say the least. But Crystal has a way of making you feel like you need to come back! The class ended with 10 glorious minutes of yoga - so I was relaxed and brainwashed before I left that "I can do this." And, Barry and I had been out with our neighbors to dinner the night before and enjoyed 2 bottles of wine, so I had an additional excuse for barely making it through the class. Note to self - no wine before next class.

Day two of training I will just title "Death by Sandbag." After somehow recuperating from day one's torture, I was ready to take on the class again (this time on my tab - so I better beat it). No wine the night before...I was prepared. I arrived ready to go, mentally and physically (so I thought) until I was welcomed with a 20lb. sandbag (the beginner bag - all others had 40 and 60lb bags). We had a 7-minute warm-up where you  held the bag on one shoulder then sat down, rolled all the way back onto your back and then shoulders (legs up) and then roll back up and stand up. Oh yes, very funny to even picture this move, with a sandbag, NOT FUNNY to try to do it - especially for 7-minutes straight. I was hoping that this class was the 7-minute express training, but no such luck - I guess she did say "warm up" before we started that fun. The hour-long class proceeded with varying torturous exercises including pulling a metal slab with  my "new friend," the 20-lb sandbag on it, attached to me with a heavy gauge chain and canvas strap, the length of the building forwards and then backwards for four grueling minutes. And a variety of other exercises that I would have never anticipated calling "exercises," I am going to be ready for the Marines if I am able to stick with this class! I completed the class, almost died a few times, and am sitting here blogging today instead of skiing with Barry & Derek so that I can recuperate. Oh and by the way, no yoga at the end of this session - others told me that was "unusual " to do (guess she used that tactic to get me back). Maybe I need to find some friends who like to shop and scrapbook, like in my good ol' life.

I have considered that if I stopped drinking wine every night I would see faster results. But then again the thought of having a glass of wine at night is what gets me through the fitness classes - so NOT HAPPENING! Life needs to be a balance of good and bad - especially if life includes lugging 20 lb. sand bags around! My previous fitness level always had me prepared for my regular activities - a jog down Antioch (4-miles of flat terrain), shopping and scrapbooking....Life was GOOD! Fitness at this altitude, and with the opportunities to ski/hike here is an  entirely different story. I will keep you posted if my story is a fairy tale or nightmare as I continue at Mountain Athlete.

I just looked at their website this morning (maybe something I should have done BEFORE attending class) and here is just a bit of what they  had to say:

FASTER FARTHER. STRONGER LONGER. MENTALLY TOUGHER"Mountain Athlete is the premier training gym in the world for mountaineers, climbers, big mountains skiers, adventure racers, snowboarders, professional snowmobile racers, explorers and alpinists (I don't fit into ANY of those categories). Our training is designed to increase the mountain athlete's horsepower (WHAT?? I am not a car!), stamina, durability and mental toughness. Our hybrid programming builds an elite level foundation of Base Fitness, on top of which we build blocks of sport-specific strength and conditioning.
Superior strength and conditioning achieved in the gym allows our athletes to be more efficient with their technical training on the mountain (I don't think that I have technical mountain ability). Time formerly spent on conditioning can now be used to further develop and improve technical proficiency. Not only are our athletes stronger and more powerful, they are smarter too (next time I am enrolling in a class at the local community college to get smarter)."

But, under "Frequently Asked Questions," I did find this:

"Yes. Our programming and training will benefit any athlete. In addition to mountaineers, we've trained endurance runners, motocross racers, triathletes, nordic skiers, weekend warriors (still NOT ME) and house wives (well there you go - I am in a category here! Not sure where Barry will fit in if he starts attending!). You do not have to be an accomplished mountaineer, athlete or even in shape to train at our gym. But you do have to work hard."

So enough about fitness, endurance, etc. Enjoy a RELAXING weekend and balance the good & bad in your days!

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