Friday, December 31, 2010

Ringing in the New Year!

It's hard to believe that another year is coming to an end - where does the time go? Looking back at 2010, there have been so many changes in our lives, it is hard to imagine that we conquered them all in one year! So now that we are settled, or should I say "hunkered down," for the winter  months in Jackson Hole we have lots to look forward to in 2011.

My first wish for 2011 is that Ashley & Derek have a fabulous journey through Spain and Portugal and return home safely...and without new found "loves" from another country!  I know that their trip will be full of lifelong memories for the two of them. According to an AOL story on New Years celebrations today, "In Spain, revelers are gathering in town squares, where at midnight they'll pop 12 plump grapes into their mouths to mark the new year, making a wish for every month to come. In nearby Portugal, it's the same routine but with raisins." Well at least I feel better now, knowing that Derek & Ashley will not be out all night in a club - ha!

My next wish for 2011 is that we will get visitors out here in beautiful Jackson Hole! No need to wait until summer, the winter provides lots of opportunities for fun and it is absolutely breathtaking - the scenery, not the sub-zero temperatures!
Sunrise on New Year's Eve morning. I know that you may think, "why does she keep sending the same picture over & over," but I still can't believe that this is my view as I sit at my computer and blog!
As the year draws to a close, the celebration begins.  You can feel the excitement in the air, as its crispness jolts you out of your reverie - yes, we are supposed to have a chilly New Years weekend! Tonight we are headed to the Village for the Glow Worm and Torchlight parades which will snake their way down Teewinot, followed by a spectacular fireworks display. And no doubt after standing outside for those activities we will be patronizing one of the Village bars for a warm libation or two! We have dinner reservations at a few different places in town - waiting to see what we feel like later. No big par-tay plans this year, as we have to be up and ready to ski in the morning!

A few New Years ideas for you to ponder:
  • For those with New Year's resolutions, a handy website from Britain has been set up to help you manage your promises. Dubbed "Hassle Me," the site will send you free e-mails every day or week to remind you to call your mother or go to the gym...or book your trip to visit the Nelsons!
  • word of the day: hogmanay, noun, a gift given on New Year's Eve - use this at your party tonight & you will sound quite studious! Better yet, get your spouse a hogmanay!
As the year slowly fades away, there are a few other things that are nearly out of sight here in Jackson Hole due to the rapidly accumulating snow!
Santa is "snowed in" in our front yard!

Bella making her way out in the back yard - thank goodness that we have indoor plumbing for humans - I would be in deep doo-doo if I had to go out!

Our post office is quickly disappearing from sight! Surely this won't make our mail service any slower than it already is! Speaking of mail, I just ordered my Holiday cards - so they will be VERY late!
Have a safe and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!

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