Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Clampett's Have Arrved in Jackson Hole!

We awoke early on Wednesday morning in great anticipation of our moving truck arriving!  It felt alot like Christmas morning to a child - sooo exciting. When we were loading the car at the hotel, there were actually Christmas lights lit on the trees in the parking lot (we had seen them putting them up over the weekend - I guess that you do lights early here before the first snow). I unfortunately had left my camera in the room, but the inspiration for my blog title "Christmas in September" had been born. I ran up stairs to get the camera and when I returned to the parking lot the lights were no longer lit. Not only did this put a damper on my blog title, but got me thinking that maybe this "Christmas in September" was not going to be all that bright - ugh...the worry set in. 

To ease my nerves and anticipation I called a good friend on my way to the house. I must admit the the scenery driving around here is just gorgeous; so between good conversation and pretty scenery I was again at ease.  As we pulled into our neighborhood and rounded the corner lo and behold I saw our moving truck - yippee Santa had come through for us! But, as we got closer to the house and got a good look at the truck, which had backed into our driveway, I noticed the unimaginable...they could not fit everything in our truck so they had our contents strapped to the back...yes, hanging off he back of the truck! We looked like the Clampetts - the only thing that was missing was Grandma sitting in the rocker on the back of the truck. Thus the birth of my new blog title for today!

The Clampett's have arrived in JH!
The picture above was actually taken after they had already unloaded the top layer of contents which included 3 patio chairs, a patio umbrella, our storage box with patio cushions and all my Christmas decorations. (If you or anyone you know is travelling the highways and byways between here & Kansas, be on the lookout for any of our Hallmark Keepsake ornaments that may have flown off the truck along the way!)...And we are wondering why nobody came over from the neighborhood to welcome us yesterday - ha!

So, as I have told many of you as we were venturing to our new home that so many people out here have a "cool story or background", such as Tommy Mo the Olympic skier; the guy who we met that owns the heli-skiing lodge in Alaska etc. - well we now have a story. We will just let people know that Barry & I are first cousins, got married at age 13, moved here from Arkansas and our kids are in reform school in Texas...with the way we arrived "in style" I doubt any neighbor would question it!

But I guess that I shouldn't complain - all I had been hoping and praying for all week was for our truck to arrive, and it did. Lesson #1 - be specific in your prayers! We were very fortunate that the weather remained beautiful and we had a really nice couple of guys to help us unload.  The stuff that was loaded on the outside of the truck was literally filled with dirt - I am not just talking dusty, I mean we have ample dirt samples to do some serious geological studies of the soil content from every state/town between here and Overland Park.  I guess that we should save some of the dirt for our planters next spring - our flowers will still think that they are in Kansas!

We spent the entire day unloading. As they brought boxes in, I tried to unload as quickly as possible. I was driven  the fact that the driver would load any empty boxes in his truck and haul them away - with 176 boxes I needed to get some of them out of here (in hind sight I am thinking that he probably can re-sell the boxes for profit - he will be laughing all the way to the bank the way I was furiously unpacking). We had a lot of stuff damaged and a few things broken and still have a small amount of stuff left in Kansas that they will deliver "soon." At this point we are realizing that we already have way too much stuff - why didn't we have a third garage sale before we left? Figure that having a garage sale our first weekend here may not be too good for the image, unless we decide to go with the "Clampett's story."

Looking back on our week leading up to the move I realized that God really did have a plan for us. As excited, yet hesitant , as I was to make this move out west, the delay made me really anticipate the actual move into the new house. A week of relaxation and not having to make a bed, clean house, cook, do dishes really made me want to get "home." Now as I sit here this morning after doing laundry all day yesterday and running the dishwasher nonstop with all of the contents of our kitchen, I can admit that those are the things that really keep you (me) grounded - they define you and your everyday life (as mundane as it may seem). So I am thankful now for the delay. And I don't want to make light of prayer. I have many friends/family who are going through things that are much more important/serious than a move. I want you to know that you all have been in my prayers constantly...just remember that prayers are often answered in ways we don't always understand...but God is ALWAYS good! 

So I guess that I should get back to unpacking the many boxes that are remaining. I am attaching a few pictures of the progress that I have made and also the work that is yet to be done. Notice that the bedrooms are ready to welcome guests though, so if you feel like unpacking/organizing we would love to have you visit!

YIKES - so much to do!
Sorry that this blog is so long and a bit delayed. I anticipated that I would blog last night, but we went out for dinner (Mexican food at yet another fabulous restaurant - Pica's) and I had a margarita. Not sure if the margaritas were that strong or if we were just that exhausted, but we came home and passed out quickly. When you visit we will have to test the margaritas at Pica's!

It has started raining as I have been blogging - so no hiking, running or shopping - it is the PERFECT day to unpack boxes!

PS - for those of you familiar with my dining room table and how much I LOVE it - yes it did make it safely (why didn't it go on the back of the truck and fall off in some remote area in Nebraska or Wyoming)! Looking back there have been many fun times around that table - so hope that you will join us around it soon!

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